What has led me here was a series of events that overtook my life and changed it completely. I didn’t seek out this path, it knocked on my door so loudly that I had no choice but to answer. From all kinds of digestive issues, hormone imbalances, Lyme disease, mold illness, EBV, and every mystery illness in between - I’ve been there. Over the years I sought out guidance from Western and Holistic practitioners without much success. And one day I decided to take matters into my own hands and learn how to heal all on my own.
In 2021 I moved into a home that unknowingly had high levels of toxic mold. While I had struggled with a variety of mystery illnesses prior to that, ultimately the mold is what set me down this path of radically changing my life from a space of pure desperation.
I was tired of spending so much money seeking information from others. I needed answers and I needed to find them on my own. This I knew to be true and so in a moment of impulse I signed up to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. While I don’t practice strictly what I learned in that program, it was a crucial turning point for learning much of what I do implement into my lifestyle and practice today. This is where I learned foundational health and the importance of working on physical foundations.
I put so much emphasis on my physical health because my physical body was displaying symptoms and I was desperate for relief. If my stomach hurt then I thought I had to fix my stomach. Makes sense, right? I thought so, but protocol after protocol did not bring the relief that I craved. I was burnt out on spending so much time and money on supplements and strict diets telling me what I needed to do based off of what someone else thought would be best.
And so, I looked deeper.
That’s where the emotional and energetic aspects come into play. It’s something that I have always been interested in. From my first yoga teacher training in 2013, followed by two more yoga teacher trainings, Reiki I & II, reading the Akashic Records, daily meditation practices, countless hours of self study, a training on trauma processing via chakras, and my own personal experiences and guidance - my wisdom is vast and implemented to the highest degree. The energetic part of my journey is a long and winding road that has always involved a fascination and pull towards that which is unseen and is seemingly unrelated. I have now realized that not only is it related, it’s everything.
And so, I began to heal and I did that by filling up my supplement graveyard (RIP), unfollowing 99% of health accounts on Instagram, tuning the energetic essence of my Self, and believing that healing was possible. I went deep into all that is unseen, which is also the root of that which ailed me, and I began to see it. In that illumination I was able to bring healing to it and now I am here to guide you into the unseen so that you can experience freedom and true health, once and for all.
This work is potent and powerful. It is life changing. And I am so grateful that I am now able to share it with you.