Eliminating Unhappiness From Your Life

In April I quit my merchandise coordinating job. It wasn't what I wanted in life and I knew it. I wasn't happy doing what I was doing and it was beginning to show in my personal life. My job and the unhappiness that it brought to me completely took over. I didn't want to read books, write stories, paint pictures, take pictures, bake, or even be happy. Almost any adult that you talk to will steer you away from just going to work one day and putting in your two week notice because you're unhappy. They may be right, but I refuse to let something that I can control take over my creativity and passions. I don't know exactly what I want out of life or what direction I want to go in terms of a career. The thought of that overwhelms me a great amount. But I do know one thing, I'm not spending any more time than I have to doing something that I don't enjoy and feel appreciated doing. My previous job was great in the beginning. I worked there for a little over a year and a half. For the first year I loved what I did. I got along with everyone so well and enjoyed the job itself. But then the last six months weren't good. I became very unhappy and felt as if I was going to be stuck there forever.

So in March I took a trip to California with two of my friends from work. This was a really big deal for all of us. I've dreamed of California for as long as I can remember with hopes of living there someday. When the trip to go was booked, I couldn't believe that it was finally happening. It still doesn't feel like it's happened somedays! But it turned out to be everything I've dreamed of and more. I felt at home there. I felt like I finally fit in somewhere. So you can only imagine how I felt whenever I came back to Pennsylvania. I was very unhappy and it showed. I couldn't find happiness in anything and believe me, I tried. So about four weeks after I arrived home from California, I put in my notice.

Ever since I quit, I haven't had as much money. So I've had to cut back on a lot of things. The habit of stopping at the coffee shop everyday has ended and I don't remember the last time I went shopping which is a big deal. I used to be shopping weekly. But I wouldn't change it. I'm okay with how things are now because I really am happier. I'm able to work on myself and try to figure out what route I want to take. For now though I can bake, paint, take pictures, and just be creative. That's something that matters a great amount to me. Without my fitness and creativity, I've learned that I am very unhappy. It's something that I need and enjoy, so I'm not going to eliminate it from my life.

Is there something in your life that is the source of your unhappiness? If so, there is a solution to the problem. You just have to set out and find it. Take chances. Don't be afraid of the unknown. Believe in yourself.

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

Do you have an idea of how to fix the things in your life that you're unhappy with? If so, I'd love to know! 

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