Morning Glow Juice

Happy Saturday!! It feels like spring here today. 48 degrees and raining! But sadly it's not even close to springtime yet. I'm still going to pretend that it's March and appreciate the "warm" weather though. This juice reminds me of sunshine and happiness. What better way to start your morning, or even end your evening, than with this sweet and tangy juice.

Kale, pineapple, banana, almond milk. I love love love pineapple. It's my favorite fruit. I don't usually put it into any drinks or anything because I like to eat it just the way it is. It's perfect just the way it is (and so are you!) 

But I got 3 pineapples at the store yesterday and I figured I'd switch it up a bit.

I still used pineapple pieces in this juice just for fun. It adds an extra flavor burst and an extra Vitamin C burst as well! It's always good to get those extra vitamins, ya know. Especially with cold and flu season in full force. Eat and drink up!

Morning Glow Juice

serves 1

1 cup pineapple, diced

1 heaping cup kale

1 banana

1/2 cup almond milk

Place all ingredients into your blender. Blend up, drink up!

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