Gratitude Project - Week 47

Thanksgiving week here and gone! Thanksgiving is such a good opportunity to check in and remind ourselves of all of the good things in our lives. I've been working on that a little bit each day throughout this Gratitude Project and as the weeks pass by and I get closer to the end I've realized how important it is to recognize the good even if you're swimming in a sea of bad. Positivity is powerful and we have the opportunity to change our thoughts and our lives by making the simple decision to find the good moments dispersed throughout our days. It takes a bit of practice and sometimes it's not an easy task but we're capable of achieving whatever we put our minds to. Direct that energy towards all of the good in life and watch the world transform.

DAY 323

Darrin and I took an impulsive trip to State College today. We had no plans in mind and just let the afternoon unfold as it did. It was snowy and cold but the streets were vacant and all was quiet.

DAY 324

First official snow of the season!! 

DAY 325

Christmas cat. Thanksgiving is in a few days but I'm already excited for all things Christmas and I think that Coale is too!

DAY 326

I let Roxy out tonight and the contrast between the sky and the Christmas lights was so pretty. I love little details.

DAY 327

Chocolate cupcakes with the best peanut butter icing... recipe coming soon! I baked cupcakes and the whole house smelled like warm chocolate. I'm working on my gluten free baking skills and having fun with baking again. 

DAY 328

Thanksgiving and the first day day of the Running Streak hosted by Runners World. Super excited about both things! Lots of things to be grateful for today and everyday. 

DAY 329

Taking a break from Black Friday shopping to grab a Pumpkin Shake at Burgatory. Slightly obsessed with their vegan shakes and 100% okay with that. Veganism is becoming so much easier while going out to eat and I am so grateful. 

That's it for this week! Thanks for joining me. Much love. xx

Women's Gift Guide 2016 - Vegan Friendly + Giveaway!

Healthy Relationship with Holiday Meals