Gratitude Post - Week 37

This week was the first week where I didn't post any of my gratitude posts on Instagram. I don't know why, but I wasn't feeling it, so I didn't do it! I think I like the idea of just putting them all just to right here instead of on both platforms. Switching thing up a bit, which I think is always a good thing.

I didn't have the greatest week ever this week but even with that being the case I still made it a point to snap a little picture of a special moment in the day. There is always that one little moment and sometimes it's not the easiest to find but it's something worth discovering or creating on your own just to bring a little smile onto your face in a time of need.

Let's take a peek at the little moments I uncovered from this past week!

DAY 253

Impulsive trip to Pittsburgh. We went to dinner and it was not too great, so we headed to Burgatory for some shakes to turn that around real quick! I got vanilla and Darrin got peanut butter pretzel. Both A+!

DAY 254

It's starting to get dark so early! I've been running out the door as the sun sets trying to fit our the daily dog walk. So far, so good!

DAY 255

Leftovers featuring lots of veggies! I love having satisfying meals for my work lunches.

DAY 256

I took some time for a bike ride on the trail today. It felt like fall and everything was looking so pretty! I rarely bike on trails anymore but it's something that I want to do at least once a week for the rest of the season now.

DAY 257

Tonight we took a different route on our walk. New scenery is nice on occasion!

DAY 258

First day wearing a beanie this year. That's one thing I'm excited about as the colder temperatures settle in. Hat obsessed!

DAY 259

We went on our usual weekend Starbucks run this evening along with a nice walk through town and Chipotle. We do the same thing all the time and I never get tired of it. Familiarity in cases like this makes me so happy. :)

Thanks for joining me! Much love. xx