All tagged banana bread recipe

Best of Both Worlds Banana Bread

This banana bread is for everyone. Chocolate fans, vanilla lovers, and those who can't decide between the two (hey, that's me!) - we can all enjoy this one.

I make a lot of chocolate recipes on here and that probably won't be changing anytime soon. Chocolate is my JAM. But ya know what, I love vanilla too. If I'm going for ice cream and I have to pick between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, I'm going for vanilla hands down. I have a piece of chocolate basically everyday though. I really would rather not have to decide between two good things. So when I was making this banana bread I realized that one less chocolate vs. vanilla decision was needed on that day and the Best of Both Worlds Banana Bread was born. YUM.

I heard somewhere, and I can't remember where this came from, that life is all about seeing how much you can get away with. After hearing that I have been living by it. You think after hearing something that had a big impact on me that I'd remember where it came from, but NOPE. No idea. 
Anyways, I've been living by that statement now and life has gotten so much more fun and exciting! I do things that I wouldn't have done before, and not in a way that harms myself or others. Just in a fun, bold way. It's made me not want to make so many decisions that I thought I had to make prior to this. Cake or ice cream; why not both? Bike ride or running; a little of each works. Vanilla or chocolate; equal amounts of both. We spend so much time thinking that we can only do things or have things be a certain way because that's how they are. But that's not the case a lot of the time. We can do things that don't even cross our minds because they're not in our routines or they're not things that we often see being done by others. That doesn't mean they're wrong to do or that we can't do them. In fact, that probably means that we should do them!

So today we're doing that with some banana bread. Starting out small just to get us prepared for the bigger things. We gotta start somewhere and if that somewhere involved chocolate, vanilla, and bread then I think it's a great place to start.