Vegan Banana Caramel Cups

Hey guys! How's your week going so far? I am super excited right now because I have a NYC adventure happening tomorrow with one of my good friends that I haven't seen for 6 months. I can't wait!! We're going to Sacred Chow, Strala Yoga, and Pure Food and Wine. *cries* I'm sure there will be other things happening as well. But those are definitely the highlights. You can follow me on Instagram to see it all happen tomorrow and stay tuned because I'll do an update of the awesome adventures on Friday or Saturday!

But until then, I'm going to leave you guys with these banana caramel cups! These were inspired by the blueberry bars and are very similar to them, but unique in their own way. These are great to take to parties, picnics, or even to grab on the go. It's just a simple banana coating with caramel in the middle and topped with blueberries. You could really top these with whatever fruit that you want. But blueberries are a favorite, so I went with them. Mmm. I love sharing easy recipes that anyone and everyone can make and this is definitely one of those recipes. Enough talk though, let's get to the recipe so that you can get to making these!

Banana Caramel Cups

makes 12 cups

Banana Coating:
2 fresh bananas
1 frozen banana

Blend together bananas until smooth. Fill lined mini cupcake pans halfway full. Set aside.

1 cup dates
1/2 cup water

Blend together until smooth. Put a generous amount of caramel into cupcake pans.

Pour the rest of the banana coating over the caramel and top with fresh or frozen fruit of choice. Place in freezer for at least 2 hours. Serve, enjoy!

NYC Food + Adventures

Vegan Cheesy Cucumber Bites