What I Ate Wednesday - Vegan Diet

Happy Wednesday guys! Welcome back to another "What I Ate Wednesday." I have been having major technical issues today so I apologize for the not so great iPhone photos! They're all that I could get up here tonight and I'm lucky that I was even able to get them up! Anyways, I still wanted to share with you all because I worked today and wanted to show you a working day's worth of food. I eat about the same when I work. So it's not too different. My job is quite laid back and I'm able to eat whenever I want for the most part. So snacking is easy! But it requires more "to-go" foods which are something that I'm not so great with. It's all about preparation though. If you're prepared then eating healthy at work should be quite easy! Breakfast:

For breakfast I had a green mango smoothie. I used to eat mangoes all the time and I wanted to rekindle my love with them this week. So good! This smoothie was bananas, spinach, coconut water, and mango. It was a perfect way to start off the morning. I usually do just banana and spinach smoothies but the mango was a great thing to add for a change!


I was so excited for lunch today! Any time that I finish a jar of peanut butter that means one thing... overnight oats! I love having a bit of left over peanut butter in the jar for the oats. I mixed 1/2 cup oats with 1 cup of almond milk and some chia seeds, let it in the fridge overnight and then added blueberries and a pear to it this morning before I left for work. The easiest lunch ever! This jar is tall enough that I'm able to fit a spoon inside of it so I just screw the lid on and it's ready to go. The best.

I did eat non gluten free oats a few days just out of curiosity to see if they would bother me. They did. I didn't feel so great after eating them. I was interested to see how it would go though. I've been trying to experiment with food more to make it fun. This was a learning experience and it's back to gluten free oats for me!


I love Trader Joe's dried mango more than any other dried fruits ever. I don't live near a Trader Joe's so when I go I stock up on packs of these. The cashiers probably think I'm crazy. Crazy in love with this mango. Yes. I love that it's just mango, no additives like most dried fruits that I find. I ate about half of a pack today as a snack. It's addictive! And so good.


I came home from work and went straight out the door for a run. So when I got home I was starving! I wanted to make something filling and this is what happened. Seasoned rice, beans, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, russet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and dijon mustard. Such a delicious bowl of goodies. I love dijon mustard and it's also something that I haven't had for a long time. This was a great way to reintroduce it back into my diet. As many of you know, I'm not a vegetable fan at all. But I find it very easy to eat them when I add them to bowls like this! I'm actually starting to enjoy them. (Crazy, I know.)

That's it for today guys! What did you have to eat today? Let me know! I'd love to hear from you.

Easy Cashew Truffles - Vegan

Double Chocolate Ice Cream Bars - Vegan