Museum Adventures

Today is Darrin's birthday and due to being adults who have to work on this Monday, we had to celebrate this past weekend. We've talked about going to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History for the longest time now and finally made it happen for his birthday. Along with the History Museum you also get admission to the Art Museum as well which was obviously exciting for me. We went to brunch where I accidentally ate cheese and had a slight panicky moment about that and then made our way to the museum. We made our way through the history museum, getting lost in all it all, and spent a few hours doing so. They have a rock and mineral section that I was absolutely fascinated by. I find myself slowly getting more and more into crystals so I loved that portion. I kept walking around and taking pictures of different things so that I could look them up later and see if I can acquire some of the pieces on my own.

We somehow completed the history side of things and ended up in the art exhibits. They didn't give us a map at the beginning and we didn't find an information desk that provided one until the end of the tour?! But it's okay because we just aimlessly got to wander around looking at whatever happened to pop up next. We had no other commitments so time was able to just pass by as it wanted, allowing us to explore for hours. I was captivated by the art but also enjoyed portions of the history sections too. I found all of the various art pieces to be so inspiring and kept snapping pictures of so many pieces to use as inspiration for my own creations. 

The art side of things was much more laid back and quite compared to the history portion. Not many children are interested in art museums I guess, which is totally cool with me. I was taking my time and doing my thing to the point that I think Darrin was getting to the point of being over the whole situation. Whoops. But I don't walk by such unique beauty everyday, you know!? I had to take full advantage of the situation.

Whenever we came across something that made absolutely no sense Darrin would be like "what is happening?" and my explanation would always be "it's art." So now if anything doesn't make much sense in life I think I'm just going to claim it as "art" and appreciate it's strangeness. 

I really want to make it back during a slow time, like on a weekday or something, so that I can take some yoga pictures and fun pictures around the museum. I had so many urges and ideas to do so yesterday but I decided against it because there were so many people. It'll just give me an excuse to go back sometime though.

After spending the afternoon in the museum and checking out the gift shop which didn't have anything that caught my eye, we made our way back to the car. We parked on the 3rd floor of the parking garage and I'm anti elevator so I made Darrin take the stairs with me down to the 3rd floor. We already walked a ton that day and our legs were quite tired but I didn't let that sway my decision. We got in the car and went to H&M because I still have a gift card from Christmas. I tried on a bunch of ugly stuff but managed to find one very cute (black, naturally) shirt and a plain white shirt for a total of $10. Then we stumbled around REI for a bit before heading to Double Wide Grill to eat dinner.

Darrin chose Double Wide because they have non vegan food but also a decent vegan selection as well. We got there early in the evening before it got busy. I drank so much water that I think the waitress was impressed and annoyed at the same time since she had to refill my glass so many times. I usually get a salad there because I don't typically eat anything else they have on the menu but I went with the grilled tofu and veggie skewers which come with a side of veggies and rice. Oh my gosh. I loved this meal so much. It was so good! I had it all ate so quickly because I loved it so much. I definitely want to go back and try a lot of the other stuff that I never was interested in before. I'm finding that I'm being a lot more lenient with what I'm eating when I go out and I'm really excited about that.

After dinner we went to Whole Foods so that I could get some stuff and I got us a lemon blueberry cupcake to share. We ate it when we got home and I am still thinking about it because it was that good. I've never had any of Whole Foods cupcakes before. But for $2.50 I got such a delicious treat! I can't wait to try some of their other flavors on my next trip.

That's pretty much it for the day! I had such a nice and laid back day of doing new things with Darrin and I enjoyed it so much. We don't get to spend a lot of time together (he works away during the weeks) so days like that are extra special and memorable.

My next trip is hopefully to go to the Warhol Museum. Stay tuned for that and whatever else I happen to come upon!

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