Quick & Easy Vegan Dinner Inspo

Today I wanted to share with you what I am obsessed with. This is a simple dinner recipe, but I hesitate to even call it a recipe because literally all I did was cook the rice and chickpeas and steam some kale. Everything else is easy and effortless but for that reason I wanted to share it with you.

I am pretty lazy when it comes to lunches and dinner recipes more often than not. Lunch happens in the middle of the day when I'm into other things and I don't want to stop to make something extravagant but I also want something delicious and satisfying. Then dinner rolls around and I'm usually just getting home from work and wanting to do so much that doesn't involve making food and cleaning up the kitchen. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of times that I want to cook and have fun doing so but on a regular day I'm usually preoccupied and want something quick. So that's basically what I'm sharing here today. It's just one simple meal, but you can have it in a variety of ways to make it seem different whenever it's actually the same.

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What you need is rice, kale, chickpeas, salsa, and chips. All you have to do is cook your favorite rice, steam a large handful of kale, and roast some chickpeas. I usually toss my chickpeas in paprika and turmeric before roasting them at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. After all of that is done grab your jar of salsa and add it to your dish. Finish it all off with your favorite chips. I use Cabo Chips because they're my favorite chips ever but you can use whatever you'd like!

Once all of that is done all you have to do is find a spoon or fork and dig in to this simple meal!

I don't typically share things like this but I'm trying to branch out a bit lately. Let me know if this is something that you guys like to see and if you have any ideas of other simple meals that you enjoy!

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