Top 5 Favorite Podcasts

This year I've really gotten into podcasts. When I say that I mean that I have become absolutely obsessed. I can put in my headphones with the newest episode of one of my favorite podcasts, hop on my bike, and just bike away the afternoon so easily. I honestly don't know why or how I didn't tap on the little podcast app sooner. It's been a huge inspiration for me over the past 6 months. It's become one of the best ways to come across new people who work hard to create content that I possibly never would have found otherwise.

I figured that I'd share with you my top five favorite podcasts. If you're not into podcasts but have enough interest to read this post then I hope that this will give you a bit of guidance on where to start. And if you are a regular podcast listener then I hope that you're able to add someone new to your list or send me a message so that we can bond over some of our favorites. Either way, let me know what you think!

The Rich Roll podcast is a fantastic podcast consisting of all things health and wellness. Veganism, health, spirituality, addiction, fitness, environment, yoga, and meditation are just some of the topics discussed here. Rich's authenticity, knowledge, and passion shine through the speakers in each conversation shared. If you're looking to dive deeper into topics that will help inspire you and give you the education needed to grow as a person then definitely give this a listen!

The Plantriotic podcast was the reason that I checked out podcasts in the first place. As a long time follower of Jackson's Youtube channel, I decided to give his podcast a shot, too. Honestly, I've become a bigger fan now of the podcast than anything. He openly discusses a variety of wellness topics with a strong focus on veganism. The topics and conversations that he brings to the table are some that I've listened to over and over again because they are filled with so much knowledge and so many topics that I think aren't discussed enough in the community. Check it out!

I'm not even sure how I came across Nicole and her show Real Talk Radio but I am forever grateful. Nicole has a large variety of guests that sit down with her and have real, open conversations well beyond what is deemed "normal" in society. Talks of routines, fears, relationships, goals, and everything in between come up in each podcast and Nicole does an amazing job of guiding the conversation gently through such a wide variety of topics. Her guests are wonderful people whom I never would have came across without her show and after each episode I find myself lurking around every corner of the internet to find out more about all of the awesome people she introduces me to. This show is a must listen!

I found Running On Om through Nicole from Real Talk Radio. Julia's podcast is all about the mind, body, and spirit. She interviews guests of all types and together they share their story. Oftentimes, I find myself taking away a lot of the advice and discussions and applying them to my own experiences. I love how open and honest Julia and her guests are about such real, raw topics. Check it out!



The Guys We F#@$!D podcast is not what you're thinking and yes you need to listen to it. Krystyna and Corinne talk openly about sex, social stigmas around it, self confidence in women, and feminist values and views. They have conversations that most of us don't have but need to talk about and become more educated on. Their vibes come off as laid back and friendly encouraging their message to be received well with all who listen. Seriously, listen!

That's all I have for you! What are some of your favorite podcasts and podcast episodes? Let me know!

Gratitude Project - Week 25