Traveling Tips For Vegan & Healthy Eaters

At this point in my life I've done quite a bit of vegan traveling. It's something that I don't think twice about now. Practice makes perfect and it's basically become second nature. But, as a new vegan or even a new traveler I understand how questions and concerns can arise and make you kind of nervous for the journey ahead. 

When I first went vegan I made the decision to do it after I got back from a trip to Tennessee. I decided that I would do my best while traveling and being there, but if need be then I would eat animal products. I did relatively well but I wasn't 100% vegan. Which was totally okay! The transition period can be tough and giving myself a trial run was just what I needed. Since then I have been on multiple other trips and have learned what works best for me while being out and about and remaining vegan.

Ultimately it will depend on what type of traveling you're doing. Where you're going, how long you're going, what types of food or stores you'll have access to, etc. While writing this post I specifically have hiking and long car rides on my mind but I think that there are some general tips and tricks that can be beneficial to us all!

  1. Research the area
    Before going on a trip try to research the area to see what options will be available. Health food stores, restaurants, or even grocery stores that you can stop at and stock up. Knowing that something is or isn't in your area will leave you feeling less stressed and more prepared before you even leave for the trip.

  2. Take food with you
    Always take food with you. Always. Take things that will be easy to travel with and that will keep you full for a reasonable amount of time. My favorite things to take with me are energy bars, fruits, nut butters, boxed almond milks, and granolas. Clif Bars, Larabars, Picky Bars, apples, bananas, dates, chia seeds, oats, peanut butter, and cereal or granola mixes are some of my staples on trips. When you take things like this on trips you'll be able to go into it with a sense of ease and be prepared ahead of time for any unexpected events that might come your way.

  3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
    Make sure to drink plenty of water! This is so important while traveling. If you're dehydrated then your body is unable to operate as well as it's able to when you're getting in that H20. Sometimes you think that you're hungry whenever you're actually just thirsty. Drinking enough water will help you be able to eat more intuitively and feel great while being on the go.

It doesn't have to be difficult or stressful to travel as a vegan. All that it takes is a little time beforehand to research and prepare. If you do those things then it'll most likely be smooth sailing. But, if it's not and it's hard or even sucks that's okay too. Experiences all happen for a reason and if we let ourselves be submersed into them completely it allows opportunities for growth and change. 

Good luck, and happy traveling! 
Let me know where you've been traveling this year so far!


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