I'm Back... Again

I'm Back... Again

create and plate

Could it be? Create N Plate back again?!

Yes, it’s true. Hello!

So if you’ve been around for a while, then you know that the past 4 ish years of Create N Plate have been very lacking. Heck, the site didn’t even exist for basically the past year and a half. I’ve been through a lot in these past four years. And of course, who hasn’t? I’ll share all about all of that as time goes on. But right now I’m here to say hi and I’m back. (And if you’ve emailed me and I haven’t replied, I apologize!! Any emails sent from this post on will be answered within 48 hours.)

I know that I’ve said that I’m back so many times before but I actually say that with confidence now and you’ll come to understand why as time goes on and I keep pressing the keys on this keyboard.

I’m still on a healing journey, from mold and other things, and that’s what really prompted me to get back here. I’ve been writing in this little corner of the internet since 2012. 10 years!! And with each post I make, it brings me a remembering - it feels like coming home. I’ve loved writing for many years and the expression of doing so is the embodiment of my true self. I lost that for a while. When things became quite challenging I ditched all of my standard practices. No more yoga. No more writing. No more meditating. No more, no more, no more. I couldn’t be there. I couldn’t sit with any of it.

And now, finally, I am coming back to them all.

I’m writing and I’m meditating, and I’m moving, and I’m breathing - After 4 years it finally feels like I’m breathing again, or perhaps the Divine is breathing me as I follow what I’m receiving and come back into alignment.

Sometimes we have to step away from what means the most to us to truly bring reverence back to that space.

I’ve stepped away, far away. And now with each letter, word, sentence, and post typed up and published, I’m walking closer to home.

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